
Food@COP, a youth-led initiative under YOUNGO

YOUNGO is the youth constituency to UNFCCC (the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). More information about the constituencies is available here. YOUNGO is organized into several working groups, with Food@COP underneath the Food and Agriculture Working Group, with its own contact point.

The Food@COP campaign is a coalition of youth groups, networks, and civil society organizations with the conviction that international climate conferences must exemplify the vision of a sustainable future with the catering they serve at their events today. Together, we are calling for the organizers of the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) to serve affordable, nutritious, predominantly plant-based, and culturally inclusive foods that reflect the urgency of the climate crisis.

Campaigners at the Africa Climate Summit (ACS) in Nairobi – September 8, 2023
Campaigner Miriam Kinuthia sharing artwork from Kisumu of indigenous vegetables from Kenya at the Food4Climate pavilion at COP27
Food@COP’s #FoodForOurFuture video campaign. Over 50 youth from 26 different countries shared videos in their native languages, articulating their support for Food@COP’s ask.

Our Logo

We are grateful to Blake Reategui for designing our beautiful logo

Quick Links

Read our letter to the COP28 presidency here:

Join over 160 organizations and endorse our campaign here: